By International Paint

Intercure 4500

Regular price €379,00
Regular price Sale price €379,00
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Intercure 4500 is a high solid, low VOC, fast drying one coat that provides excellent corrosion protection in moderately corrosive environments (ISO 12944-2 Corrosivity Category C3 environments) while maintaining good looks and durability over long periods of time. The innovative product, formulated on the basis of polyaspartic acid ester, is intended for single-layer application directly onto metal substrates and can be applied with normal processing equipment.

In Corrosivity Category C3 environments, Intercure 4500 replaces alternative two-coat systems and, as a single coat, provides corrosion protection while maintaining aesthetic appeal.

Fast drying at low temperatures and rapid hardness build-up make Intercure 4500 ideal for use in fabrication shops looking to save on heating costs and increase productivity, or for shops in colder climates. For OEMs where productivity and process efficiency are paramount, the Intercure 4500 offers significant benefits.

Benötigen Sie einen speziellen Farbton?
z.B. BS4800 / 5200, Pantone, NCS, Munsell, etc. – dann schreiben Sie uns!

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Your Benefits

Icon 1 Benefit from our team's expertise thanks to our long-standing presence and 20+ years of professional experience directly at AkzoNobel - International.
Icon 2 As a premium partner of International Paint – AkzoNobel, we provide the highest quality coating solutions and systems available, from primers to topcoats in RAL, Pantone, Munsell, etc. – always according to the required industrial standard or specification, like DIN EN ISO 12944, TL-TP Kor, Norsok, Shell, Aramco, etc.
Icon 3 We deliver within 48 hours for orders placed by 10:00 AM or by express on the next working day if requested. All desired quantities are available within a short time period.