Regular price €839,00
Regular price Sale price €839,00
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Regular price €839,00
Regular price Sale price €839,00

Patented, high-solids, high-performance, two-component, inorganic hybrid topcoat that contains no free isocyanates. Interfine 979 has significantly better gloss retention and color retention than typical polyurethane topcoats. Gloss retention and color retention are also better with this product than with the first generation of polysiloxane topcoats modified with epoxy resin.

Interfine 979 is part of International's premier range of polysiloxane topcoats. It has been developed as a product with long-lasting, excellent color retention and gloss retention and, when used in a high-performance corrosion protection system, offers a very long service life before the first maintenance measures are required.

With its corrosion resistance and aesthetically sophisticated appearance, Interfine 979 offers a double advantage: not only is it extremely durable, but it also has a good barrier effect, comparable to that of a conventional epoxy resin intermediate coating, and therefore offers the possibility of increasing the number of at to reduce the layers required in a multi-layer high-performance system and thus reduce processing costs and increase productivity during processing .

Benötigen Sie einen speziellen Farbton?
z.B. BS4800 / 5200, Pantone, NCS, Munsell, etc. – dann schreiben Sie uns!

Wir sind in der Lage über unser Chromascan-Fabtönsystem Millionen von verschiedenen Farbton-Decklack Varianten herzustellen – wir prüfen Ihre Anfrage und melden uns kurzfristig.

Your Benefits

Icon 1 Benefit from our team's expertise thanks to our long-standing presence and 20+ years of professional experience directly at AkzoNobel - International.
Icon 2 As a premium partner of International Paint – AkzoNobel, we provide the highest quality coating solutions and systems available, from primers to topcoats in RAL, Pantone, Munsell, etc. – always according to the required industrial standard or specification, like DIN EN ISO 12944, TL-TP Kor, Norsok, Shell, Aramco, etc.
Icon 3 We deliver within 48 hours for orders placed by 10:00 AM or by express on the next working day if requested. All desired quantities are available within a short time period.